The Brave
The flag ripples in the wind
so beautiful, frail, strong
like our soldiers
starting as frail beautiful people
forming into strong soldiers
protecting us every day
family dinners missed
Christmas missed
birthdays missed
guns shot
people missed
people dying
parents missed
bombs, gunshots, military trucks flipped
soldiers are your new family
that family dies
the physical weight carried is unbearable
the emotional weight carried is unfathomable
weapons, camouflage, flashes of memories of home, guns shot, running, screams, crying,
physically drained, emotionally drained, laughs, smiles, strength, grenades, feelings,
perseverance, blood, anxiety, getting released, going home
only to have PTSD
getting scared on Independence Day
for the safety of our country
this is the reason America is great
we wouldn't have anything if we didn't have our safety
we are FREE because of the BRAVE