A Bout of Anxiety
The void is speckled purple and yellow
And I am floating above it
overwhelmed by nausea
And I don’t know why I haven’t yet fallen in.
Space hurtles around me ever cyclical
And I am here
And I am not
And now is the past
And the present is an illusion
And I exist
And I don’t know why.
Right and Wrong Real and False Sanity and Emotion.
I feel the Shadow thrown over me like a cold sheet
Squeezed by nothing
I am about to e x p l o d e
Eyes popping
Land before me.
Matter does not matter.
The Shadow is
the world is less than solid
Why do I feel
pain so hard that I can’t think straight
the more CLEARLY I see
the less I can communicate
Then I am sane.
Then I nest
in the heart of sanity
Then I am inside INsanity
Then I am insane, but in here there is always pain.