Blink of an Eye
A word descriptive of our current society
A generation that's become submissive to this culture.
Numb to everyone else's feeling or thoughts yet
Always worrying about your neighbor.
What kind of whip they're in.
What kind of clothes they wear.
How many women they're with.
How many followers you have on Instagram.
How many likes you get on Facebook.
How many pair of J's you got in your closet.
How many Michael Kors' bag you own.
Constantly placing dollar signs over the heads of people
Based on these attributes
On how shiny the carots on their watch is.
On how many chains you got around your neck.
How big the rimes on your car are
What the make and year model it is.
How many commas you got in your bank account
And the absence of these objects
Determines that you are worthless
Not valuable enough or utile perhaps to society
We allow these superficial objects to own us
To manipulate us like puppets
Controlled by brands
To get the better of us
Often times to turn our backs against one another
We mock and ridicule those below us
Who are not at our stature
Instead of thanking God
For the position we're in
For the blessings bestowed upon us.
All for the sake of money
That people notice what we own
The sake of pride and fictitious entitlements.
A generation indifferent to the simple things
Nature and family
Being one with nature and God
On our phones more than we're on our knees
Unable to comunicate civilly
And carry on an intellectual coversation
Scrolling throw meaningless posts for the sake of acceptance
And constantly judging others to feel superior.
We forget how happy we were before all these things came along
A time much more simple yet genuine and jubilant
Making snowmans outside with mom and dad
Playing hide and seek with friends
Going for a walk to the park
Walks on the sandy beach
Witnessing the sun as it sets
Laying on the soft green grass to rest
Simply being a innocent, naive kid
Let us embrace these beautiful pieces of happiness
And not be slaves to this society
Always trying to convey perfection superiority.
Oh, what I would give to go back to those old days!
For they were the best of my life
One day,
All these objects will vanish
And we will be left with nothing but our souls
Then it will no longer matter how many chains you wear around your neck
The size of your wallet
The zeros in your bank account
Nor the brands that you wear
These things will vanish quicker than a blink of a eye.