Read it out loud, and listen how stupid you sound
Eternally cursed, because a snake that could converse
Because of an apple off a tree, how gullible can you be?
An old man in the sky, judging you till you die, what a fuckin' lie
God couldn't give a fuck less, I guess in that way you're blessed
You chose to separate yourself from source, almost like a divorce
Just so you could experience free will, that was the deal
To become pissed off, and live like Wild Bill
Guarantee Mother/Father God advised you against it
But you were insistent, So fuckin' persistent
Like a stupid ass teenager, not believing in danger
Wanting to grow up, to be a Texas fuckin' ranger
But before you can start carrying that gun on your waist
All memories of who you truly are, need to be erased
Your blissful place of peace and love, replaced
With a world of shit, A fuckin' rat race
A world filled with lust, envy, and greed
Starting as a seed with so much you fuckin' need
A frail pathetic body that easily bleeds
Just a problem for your parents to feed
Added chemicals in the air for you to breathe
Airplanes that spray you like roaches day and night
Pilots can't tell the difference between wrong and right
All kinds of cancer and disease
Depression, hunger, and fatigue
False teachings for you to believe
I pray to God everyday, but he don't fuckin' say shit
I'm down on my knees, see my legs fuckin' bent
I'm fuckin' tired, and about ready to quit
Now would be that time to intervene
Because of the shit I've already seen
Maybe it's me, and I just never learned to listen
I guess in school that class was fuckin' missin
I did go to church, seen you nailed to that perch
Just a reminder, your situation was worse
Let me grab that tithing out my purse
Oh, I get it, I'm supposed to feel guilty
But that shit isn't real to me
Two thousand years have passed
Millions have been killed and harassed
No one gives a fuck about their sins
Just how long before their life fuckin' ends
They say you chose this life, and everything in it
Whoa, Wait a fuckin' minute, I'll never admit it
How the fuck I'm gonna choose to be born
To live a life with my heart fuckin' torn
Filled with pain, suffering, and misery
Why the fuck would I do this to me
The moment I was born, I realized I'd made a mistake
Now 95 fuckin' years my head and back is gonna ache
Don't tell me, what doesn't kill me, only makes me stronger
And if I don't smoke or drink, I can stretch it out longer
That I can stay alive using a shoebox full of pills
Just so I can pay these never ending fuckin' bills
Why do you think they poisoned the food and water you drink?
Keep your medical bills high, now you have to pay not to die
If you can't pay your rent, they'll put your fuckin' ass on the street
If you don't die from the heat, you can beg for somethin' to eat
Hold up a sign, and hope you get enough for some wine
Yeah, I'm sure that's the life they actually chose
No money for clothes, that's just how it goes
You could wrap your dick with some fuckin' leaves
Just like the Adam and Eve's
Or end up as some thieves
It's not hard to see, nothing's free
How fuckin' hard is this supposed to be?
At least all these lessons I get to keep
Everyone else will live their lives as sheep
Jade Gibson