Believe In Thyself
Since the moment you are created
You are determined to run a race
The race to wiggle through,
Into somewhere warm and safe.
You finally defeat the odds, leaving no trace.
For in a few months your parents shall notice the change.
A change within the womb
Worth nine months of hunger and kicking.
Suddenly the contractions begin to bloom.
And your mother begins exhaling and shrieking.
Your tiny head comes out, and your comfort now imposed.
Abruptly being blinded by a strong painful light.
When suddenly you are then diagnosed,
With something we like to call Life!
You are suddenly woken up, and realize you feel much better.
You put on your best suit and decide to check the weather.
You go and tackle that job interview, wishing your self luck.
Only to have came, seen, and conquered your life into a lifestyle worth a million bucks.