You lit up my life since the start
You are the fire inside of me
You are the inspiration deep inside of my heart
You taught me to always believe
Yet believing was so hard for me to achieve
At times I'd look down and see a dark cloud full of despair
But then when you told me that I was not alone
I knew that then you will always love and care
I felt lost; felt weak, alone even, abandoned
But then, there was that power and message in your melodic voice, you told me-
That anything's possible when the skies the limit, you told me-
That we are not invisible and that this is our someday, you told me-
That we're hoping to be halfway there...
halfway there...and its true...we're half way there...
People always mocked me for listening to your presence,
Is listening to four inspirations a bad thing?
Is it a ritual to repetitively judge...or to even oppress another beings essence?
It breaks my heart when foul hearted demons who judge do so...I'd ask for your presence-
But every time I do so, their foul words strike me never ending with their nagging swords
There's more in the inside than what's shown on the outside... on the outside...on the outside...
Carrying humble soft trust, I see you as a hawk who's willing to overcome any problems and achieve,
but really deep down inside, I know that you taught me to always believe.