Because We Inhaled, You Did Nothing
Because we inhaled
The tainted air,
The air provided to us
By the one above,
not God
But the dictator.
The only leader we have known
In our short lives
Because we inhaled
The sweet smell of death
Because we were the children to die
And not your own,
You do nothing.
As the tentacles of serrin gas
Crepped into the room
Slithered into our lungs
Filled the empty spaces in our minds,
The places where wisdom
Would have resided
Are now filled
With the exhale of our dreams,
Our hopes for the future
We hope you never know what it is like,
As we look our mommy and daddy in the eyes,
As our own crept shut
Never to see light again.
None of us
Four hundred in number
Will know what it is like to hear our parents voices again
Will know what it is like to play outside with our friends
Will ever fall in love
And have children of our own.
But you will.
You, who comprise the most powerful nation on earth,
You do not want to punish the man who killed us,
Who took away our dreams,
Our hopes,
Our lives.
But you say you have good reason.
You say that it is none of your business
What this dictator does to his people.
Justly so,
It is none of our business
What he will do to you.