Because I Love You- Let Me Leave
Because I Love You
Because I love you I let my heart break
Because I love you I claim every mistake
Because I love you I let you leave,
In fear that you might see what I see.
Because I love you I cry myself to sleep
Because I love you I’ve forgotten how to eat
Because I love you I want to be good enough,
Please don’t call me on my cowardly bluff.
Because I love you I ignore the little things
Because I love you I let you mute my urging screams
Because I love you please let me go, for to myself love
I must finally show.
Because I love me I need to soar
Because I love me I need to find my true core
Because I love me I need the space,
To finally look myself in the face.
Because I love me I need someone strong, who makes
me feel like I belong
Because I love me I’ll find a man,
who will care for me better than you can
Because I love me I am taking the road to thrive,
instead of letting my light slowly die.
Because I love you my heart breaks when I say,
That I need to let you go and find my own way
Because I love you I will still cry tonight,
even though my love wasn’t worth your fight
Because I love you I will never be far away,
But I need to find someone who loves me in the same way.
Because I Love Us