Beauty is a state of mind
Beauty is a state of mind
what state you livin' in?
when shawty broke my heart you were the one that mended it
back together
I never thought it'd be me and you
they say you can't have your cake and also eat it too
you can have it
what's mines is yours
we'll eat together
what we endeavor gets better as long as we don''t settle
push the petal to the metal
what we drivin' for ? success and all that comes with it
that's what we strivin' for
keep our eyes on the Lord
and we'll be in his grace
seeking his face with amazement
the more we run the good race
a good pace, determination
those along with patience goes a long way
more endurance and less perspiration
the earths been waitin' the Lord devlivers
why should we give up with all the power and authority that jesus gives us
just keep on trusting don't rush in
before we wind up sinning
and i ain't tryna' lose baby
so let's get use to winning