Beauty is in the Eyes of Society
Beauty is in the Eyes of Society
Growing up, I was never skinny; my skin was dark and all I wanted was to be pretty.
I was 10; looking at magazines, seeing all of the skinny girls
all dressed up in designer clothes and pearls.
I asked my mom “Is this how “pretty” is supposed to be?”
I cried myself to sleep at night because I knew it would never be me.
But then I got older; I told myself “This is your life; you might as well make the most of it.” So, I made a vow to love myself bit by bit.
It’s still hard at times, I do admit, I still think of myself as just the girl with the wide smile and a personality full of whit.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing but something I had to learn to accept.
I began to talk to my family more in depth.
They told me that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I didn’t know what this meant at first but then I got older.
To this day, I still lay my head of my mom’s shoulder
I can hear her whisper, “Don’t cry honey, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”