It was a joke
Such a cruel, sick joke
The type of joke that your best friend pulls on you
When you are sleeping
The one that leaves you paranoid for weeks to come
That type of joke
The type of joke that your little brother does when you took the last cookie
But he sits there and laughs as you check your heart rate
To make sure that every bone is still there
That type of joke
And I had figured that for a while
This would be a forever game
But I never saw that you were a jester
A regular comedian
That loved to play jokes on gullible ladies
Like myself
Like some toy gun in a children's store
That when the trigger is pulled
A flag shoots out that reads BANG
And the hyena laughter protrudes from the innocent mouths of a five year old
But sadly, your mouth is not so innocent
Therefore your laughter emanates the room with a putrid odor
That only smells of lies and broken hearts
Holding that gun to my head
My palms sweating, my heart pounding
Wishing that you would just shoot me
So that I could live without you and and not be sad
Hoping that you would leave me dead, so that I would no longer feel pain
When your sly fingers swept the trigger
And a flag shot out that read BANG
My heart went BANG too
Because I would have much rather been shot and killed by you
Then to have to have been made a joke
And suffer knowing you laughed
-Chloe Aldecoa