Awkward Apology
Heeeeeeeey there....bud. Listen, I'm bad at this.
Remember that time I was weird and it made you uncomfortable?
I was probably trying to be funny, clearly it was a swing and a miss.
Or possibly it's cause I liked you, which makes my frontal lobe unstable.
ANYWAY, the point is, I'm sorry. But in my defense,
Homeschooling and ya know anxiety messed up my ability to be normal.
Thanks to college and making friends, it's starting to make sense.
Keep in mind I said it's only starting, I'm still quite abnormal.
But no matter what I say, for all weirdness back then and now,
I can't make excuses, my actions and words aren't justified.
I only want to help you understand and maybe if you'll allow,
Renew some of the friendship lost and if not well at least I tried.
So, once again, I'm sorry, and I wanted you to know.
And now, from apology embarrassment, I'm gonna go lie low.