I’m a raging inferno,
a ball of fire,
emotions swirling,
hatred, anger, bitterness, resentment,
my mental state?
Extremely dire!
Counselors call it “dysregulated”,
I call it emotional emancipation.
A mother’s abandonment,
a father’s alcoholism,
a mentor’s betrayal,
a marriage dissolution.
Sick to the stomach,
flashbacks and nightmares,
headaches or just constantly feeling scared.
I eat,
I drink,
I vomit,
heaviness weighing on my chest.
I also run, spin, and do all things physical,
yet exercise,
can’t exorcise the demons inside.
The wounds hurt,
like a knife cutting through tendon,
blood dripping,
my thoughts?
Quite menacing.
I think of death,
thoughts of being gone,
what it would be like,
to leave Earth,
and abandon all my human bonds.
I cling to life,
like a man drowning at sea,
clutching to anything,
to give me a reason to still be.
In this place,
God’s creation,
It’s beautiful but tainted,
by our human iniquity,
our frailties,
our abuses.
I will live,
despite being beaten, molested, maligned.
My story will come out,
my story won’t die in shame,
it matters to God,
it matters to me,
it matters to know I am seen.