Ana's Metaphor
dear crush
can you hear that?
the sound of my heart
breaking like claps
each syllable you spoke to someone else
you spat phrases to someone who actually cared
about me
you weren’t talking to yourself
deep inside i know i am
a sad girl
scratched into stalagmite walls
my eerie mind
i knew you didn’t love
sad girls
i thought you must have
you knew it was me
and when I gazed
you glanced
i thought you could read my mind so i didn’t confess
to surpassing the “i like you” stage
i love you
i guess you don’t have the ability to read
and see it etched in the cracks
i thought you could hear the evidently subtle shouting of my head and heart
in unison to my resistance
i guess
you aren’t telepathic
you can’t read my mind
and i’ll keep sending anonymous love notes even though you’ll know
it’s me