America the Home of the Free
America, the home of the free
Founding Fathers resisting a tyrannical power
Oh how we brought them to their knees
And now, here we are, at the end of our nation's hour
With the violence taking over the world
It makes you wonder where this nation will go
This world is less reality and more akin to a dreamworld
With bullets flying and the bomb's destructive glow
How did we get here, to this destructive pastime
Why do we enjoy the deaths of countless people so much
This poem is here to show our destructive ways though rhyme
Oh how the media makes us out so sweetly
When in reality we create so much grief and pain
Just for the prize of oil and riches from the poor
In the end how much will we truly gain
Watching those in pain makes us a truly disgusting voyeur
A new day rises, one where we no longer search for destruction
But a day where we, as Americans, seek to help the poor of the Earth
A day where we help the world with the worlds reconstruction
A day where we as humans live in peace and in rebirth
We create a world for not one, but all
That is my dream, a dream for everyone to be apart of
This will be a world where we don't need a wall
But a world where all a person needs is love