America the Free
There is no freedom here, not really anyway
You want your God?
Please, take it as it’s never answered any of our prayers
Where was he when four planes were hijacked?
Where was he when bodies hit the pavement like sacks of flour?
You can’t even tell me your God’s gender
Something’s wrong with me?
I believe there’s something wrong with you
I love whom I love, don’t you?
I’ve struggled to embrace who I am
That I was born this way as Lady Gaga says
Why can’t you?
Fuck you and your dirty hands
Fuck the system that blames me for the being the victim
while he gets coddled for having five minutes of fun.
This is me
This is my body
Our founders fought for what they thought they deserved
Why can’t I?
I don’t need your permission
I don’t need your opinions
I need you to fucking sit down and listen.
Thank you
I can finally hear myself think for the next three seconds.
I’m tired of all this bullshit
Aren’t you?