America the Beautiful
America the beautiful,With red, white, and blue,Welcoming to both me and you,A land of opportunity but for who? Red blood stain the streets,With senseless violence and rubber bullets,Tear gas blinds your eyes, and you can no longer breath,For as long as you protest your rights are gone,It seems like we all are just singing the same old song, Pale, light skin, with unknown privileges pass by,Unware of how high they float,With white trumping over others,Is this really the America for all? Water that once sparkled is now filled with led,From crystal, clear blue to a tinted orange that flows,From the taps of innocent victims,Two years down the drain and what has changed? Change,An empty promise that no one can keep,We just continue to loop into the same circle,Cycling hate and fear,we weep For those who do not deserve our tears, Great again? How can we be what never was?How is slavery great?Japanese internment camps great?Was Matthew Shepard’s murder great? How can we challenge the future when you chose to forget the past?A government that won’t last,The year of selective memory disorder and fear,My heart races,For future generations that have no chance.