The person who needs alone time to feel best energized.
The person who needs time with others to feel best energized.
The person who needs alone time to feel best energized.
But not, like, alone alone.
Alone with other people present preferably.
Like, please don't talk to me or make anymore sound than absolutely necessary
but also don't leave like I promise I want you here but I just don't want to talk or do anything.
The person who needs time with others to feel best energized.
But not, like, too many others.
Like, please talk to me and each other and have fun, lets go do things
but not with that many more people like I want to hang out with you and have fun but it's just way too peoplely where you guys are thinking.
I don't know what I need to feel best energized.
Can I just have a silently hubub filled group hug?
But not that big of a group hug.