Alive At Last
She used to be happy
She used to smile
Now that happens
Only once in a while.
She doesn't get it
Doesn't see why
It's all because
He's changed her inside.
He acted so sweet
She thought he really loved her
All part of his plan to get her where he's got her.
He's inside her head
Says she can never leave
"Finally someone wants me"
And so she believes.
Another comes in
Sees the glass on the floor
The bloody hand prints leading right to the door.
Chairs knocked over
Clothes thrown around
There she is
Lying face down.
Feeble breaths
Her chest rises and falls
She's got her old smile on her face
As she looks down the hall.
"It's over," she says.
"I'm finally free."
"I've been waiting so long to come back to me."