12 Months
I looked at you and I knew that it would never be the same
I fell into your eyes, and thought I really knew
But it was not something I can explain.
A spark, a piece, and suddenly everything felt right
All I ever wanted to be was always on your mind.
Two weeks long and yet 12 months gone
I can't help but feel for you I will ever long.
I think of you and the feelings have changed.
From lust and love, to confusion and pain.
I believed the words, they meant more than just talk.
My mistake, I never thought you were the type to only take.
Emptiness and confusion for which I searched for a cure
Liquids and loose love controlled my hurt into a blur.
At times it was oh so easy to forget
It was nothing to you and yet I still admit
It was something to me, but now I know it should have never been.
It is not you to fault, besides your false words and twisted game
I knew better and still acted the fool, for which is my own to blame
You've found better now, of that I'm sure.
But I will never forget that night with you at my door.
I fell, and now I crawl.
But for you I will never again ball.
I am smarter, stronger now than ever before,
You taught me a lesson, one I will not ignore.
A bump in the road, a wave on the sea
You meant something to me and for that I feel no shame.
But I can only think if I did something to change
The way that went this heartbreaking game.