TANGLED up hopping that's the right one catches you.
Confused and so gullible that you wind up trying not to lose both when you know you can only hold on to one.
You try and prevent the mixed emotions and the memories you store in your phone or the awkward moment when the hallway makes every turn run into you.
My past my brokenhearted continue to lead to you.
As the one in my presents seems to past in the wind but you remained a person I could never seem to forget.
Or more like you could never forget me.
I guess we were always meant to be but maybe it wasn't meant to be because now I'm taken from a new guy who seems to accept me..
but once things go bad your the door that opens and invites me in.
The steady reminder on how things use to be.
Wanting to know what should be !
Picking and choosing pros and cons trying to decide on who must I choose.
The boy I'm with who 's giving me the blue or
run to a change man I once partaken.
This left me shaking to question if I was the foul .
Stuck not knowing maybe I'm a cheat if I was to think but I swear to you that if I was lying I would die but my heart stayed in the mist of this.
Because I'm the Girl that had to FIX this !!!!
Unless I make up my mind on who is worth the lost
something old or something new.
6 months together or the almost year we couldn't stay strong enough to keep.
Having him as a FRIEND paid it's dues
that lines were crosses that only lead to bad new.
First it was simple conversation that began into a trail on memory lane.
That's so straight that we talk more then we ever did as if one of us is falling in love again.
I'm tied between a rock in a hard place that no one could survive.
The Boy who loved me more then I could love myself, even doe we had are ups and downs somehow always had that affection that make me wild inside because I need you.
Now it's like I'm not need by you
having that someone else willing to pick up the shoes to fill What you lacked....
I guess I'm in the triangle
That's is impossible to escape
I guess I have to start owning up to my mistakes and look and ask myself who do I love..
Because the one who loves you is the one who will always stay.
Making things buried come back to life
time for me to take the last strikes...
and get this person out but I don't know which one to choose.
It's up to me.
Or Maybe I'm the one that should lose...
not one but maybe both.
I guess I might need this time to remove not only my heart but my since of mine because right now I just need some time.
On the triangle Called
This poem is about:
My community
My country
Our world