What is Education?


I asked myself, what the FUCK is education? A nine letter noun that involves complete concentration... I ended up searching the actual definition, the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction. It's ironic that it's a systematic instruction but when we try to build our own ideas, the system will just try to destruct it, so I say fuck it! I'm going to start a riot and cause a lot of ruckus. Education isn't appealing to my peers, they just want to smoke a little weed and drink a little beer. If education is so substantial, why do they close institutions to build prisons? Is it because we have no alternative to succeed in life, they predict our futures... Little do they know we all want to reach the top without any boosters... Twelve years of education for what? So we could still be ignorant and not give a fuck? These historical text books do not tell us the complete truth, supposedly they don't want to fill the minds of the youth with governmental corruptions, systematic functions... Ahhhh! Fuck this! It's funny because I learn more on the internet and television than in school from a students position. Trying to accomplish a goal that wouldn't even exist if I didn't have a mentality like this. Tell me, what's the fucking point of learning equations to find Y's X? Get over it Y and move on to the next! I don't blame the teachers, I don't blame the rules, I blame the system, I blame the district, they want us to succeed but these text books don't give us any context clues on what to expect in our future... to further our education, we should have a class called, I don't know... "Common Sense"... A lot of kids need it! A lot of kids are so useless, I'm starting to believe they're waste of semen, they always blame the teacher for... *Quote* "Not teaching right" *Unquote* I agree, some teachers may not show the entire concept of what their teaching but some students attend school and education is not what they're seeking, they go to school for popularity, relationships, friendships and bull shit, like why do you want to talk about how many hoes you have or how much money you get? I'd much rather talk about what I see my future like rather than sit on my ass for the rest of my life and live in the past about what I should've done. So I'm contemplating on what I should do instead! I want to grow on the people that tried to keep me small, with the help of my teachers, I believe I can conquer all! Knowledge is the key to success, without knowledge our brains wouldn't need to exist, education is a necessity that has a combination of teaching and learning using complete concentration.

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