Broken fairytale
Once upon a time there was boy and a girl
Both who came from opposite sides of the world
The girl had her eye on someone who looked right through her
Who didn't know her name and only thought of her as a loser
But one bright starry night during a unexpected time
she met a boy Their hearts right then would inter twine
He took her hand unaware that he took her heart
And After that they could never again part
Their feelings were strong
But they knew it was wrong
It was a love forbidden
So they kept it hidden
Days and Weeks had past
And then finally atlast
They took a chance
On their romance
But others refused to accept
They tried to interject
But the couple stayed strong
And they lasted so long
They had their own little language in a world the was theirs
Together time stopped, there was no worries or cares
So many laughs and memories they had made
But then they were torn apart and the memories had fade
They stopped seeing each other for what seemed like ages
They began to move onto a new chapter with blank pages
The boy seemed to have found love once again
But the girl was so heart broken that her heart never mend
It's been almost two years since they met
And even now she cries just trying to forget
For fate brought them together back then
So if it was ever meant to be it would happen again