Ode To Civil Rights Movement
How can you have hate
For the color of my skin
I've done nothing wrong
Is me living life a sin
I'm a person, a human
Like each and every one of you
I've done nothing to harm
So why do the things you do
My skin tone may not
Be the way you want it to be
But I'm not going to pretend
I think I'll stick to being me
Your useless intimidation
All your laws and regulations
We should be able to speak with diction
And not feel any restriction
You can strip me of my rights
But I won't give up without a fight
A fight using nothing but the mind
Where my mind and spirit can combine
To drive out darkness, to bring out the light
To do not what is wrong, but what is right
I'm a Negro, I shall not be hated
I shall be educated, not discriminated
You intend to be respected, while there's miseducation
My people deserve those rights, no more segregation
We demand to be treated in a fair type of manner
We're not a bunch of flag toters, singing Star Spangled Banner
For a country who doesn't value us for who we are
Who would rather focus on money, sex, and cars
We will continue to fight for what is best
We shall march for we have a right to protest