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When there is someone you truly love,
You'll find that life before them was without consequence.
Without purpose.
You feel useless.
Before I met Her, I thought that what I couldn't live without was materialistic.
If there ever was enough to give, I would give it to you. If there ever was enough ways to show I would show, I woud show you my truth. My love for you is so alive it would never die. you take my breath away, you make my heart skip a beat.
How can you have hate
For the color of my skin
I've done nothing wrong
Is me living life a sin
I'm a person, a human
Like each and every one of you
I've done nothing to harm
Modest thoughts of the earth,
Lies from man,
Tainted birth,
Headstrong lion,
Swayless will,
Powerful creature,
Powerful teacher,
Find will,
Find Love,
Nest High,
Dreaming of a new age which
Requires all of us to work together for a brighter future.
Have you ever tried
To hold back from crying
Just to show other that you
Aren't as weak as they say?
Secretly as you cry
You wish you weren't, but its
Just so overwhelming.