I say
The conversation in my mind is like the round of applause
that rang after your favorite band played that summer.
Spirited and wracked with resolution, except in my mind,
in strands of complicated arguments.
I write because the only way to mitigate my malady
is through the diction and syntax that travels
from this mind, to heart, to pencil.
I say pencil because anyone who does this knows
that you will never be sated
because you will never stop reading your words.
I say you will never stop because you endeavor
to stitch a flawless combination of verses together
every time you sit at your desk, and in doing so you accept that it shall never be.
I say it shall never be not because of a lack of capability.
We both know your mere existence alters this reality.
Your happiness makes the skies turn colors, your words keep riots at bay.
You have power over this world and the next, and you will never be able to fathom it.
I say it shall never be not because of a lack of capability,
but rather, because words change in angle, time, and intensity and you will never stop
looking at those different perspectives, eras, and nuances.
I say you will never stop looking because that is what it means to write,
to always seek that of which you do not quite understand.
Either out of curiosity or greed.
I say greed because it has nothing to do with monetary value,
but with the sensation that indulges you when you are inspired,
and submerges you in that euphoric state you fight to earn.
I say that euphoric state because madness
may give some people the wrong impression.
I will tell you one thing though, now I understand what the Mad Hatter meant.
When he told Alice she was bonkers, but not to worry because
“All the best people are.”
I say the best people because that is the party
you become a part of when you are meticulous and purposeful in your choices.
When you tell your very own truths in the stories you write.
I say your very own truths because you need them to be recognized,
more than you know.
I say the stories you write, because they are all you will leave behind.