Man, Trust my ass
Walking down the block
It's like any other day really
They say "Don't worry bout the guys strolling there"
"They don't do shit"
Well I'm sorry but when did I ever tell you to tell me what my thoughts are
Come across some guy and his friends
"Hey ma, come back to my home, it'll be chill"
Who does this guy think he is?
I have a man.
Who are you
"Man, ain't nobody wanna fuck around with you, go back to your mama."
But they're stubborn
They not gonna listen to some girl they tryna get
"I'll treat you good, ma. Trust"
You want me to trust you?
Stop playin.
We all know that you just desperate for some love.
Dont give me that "Trust me"
"I'll treat you good"
No you won't.
Cut your bullshit.