This Is Year 2020, a poem by Nadia Skye.
Kids on computers,
Parents out of work.
The climate's changing
And Earth is dying.
Stores are closing and
The streets are empty.
There's smoke in our atmosphere,
Poisoning our air.
The world is falling apart.
"Cover your face as to protect others,"
But it's really not as simple as that.
There's more to it than you know.
They fiddle with numbers,
Lie to our faces
And we accept it.
When will this all end?
Raging wind storms and forest fires,
Shallow gossip and
Politicians arguing, getting nowhere
The world is going mad.
People dying all around us;
Corona, equal rights, climate change and the like.
We are shut in our homes;
Everyone just seems so freaking tired.
This is Year 2020.