you the government (public announcement-from Psalm 91)
I don’t care who gets offended but I stand by it.
You the Government!! You are all a bunch of cowards!
You raised the cost of living so high that both parents are always at work,
rather than spending time with their children
single parents stand no chance.
Parents were told 'No you can't discipline your kids'.
Well, now most of those kids are rude and out of control.
You shall reap what you sow!
We have taken a whole generation and turned them selfish & disrespectful.
You deem people with terminal illnesses and some with only a few months to live
let's see what you say when they are deceased!!!
You allow our veterans of war to go homeless and hungry
but give out millions to foreign aid!!!
You save drug addicts over and over again
but refuse to give free diabetic supplies to those who need them to stay alive.
better yet, how about working together to trust in God that the coronavirus will pass
Psalm 91:10-11 confirms
"No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling"
"For He shall give His angels charge over you"
You bend over backwards to be politically correct,
i'll be poetically correct when i say you're too scared to say enough is enough,
in case you offend someone. You put the retirement age up so people must work until they drop dead.
You take care of prisoners and give them everything under the sun (food, medical, education, representation, money, rehabilitation)
as you should, they deserve a 2nd chance
yet you cause the elderly who paid their debt to society and their families, to go broke caring for them either at home or in a nursing home...
so when will change come
i know when
when it happens to you
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Annette M Velasquez
YES! This is the absolute truth. These things need to be expressed- screamed from the streets, mountaintops-- everywhere. You have expressed them so eloquently.
Annette M Velasquez
Your welcome- I did join MVP recently.
Annette M Velasquez
I just re- joined. I will be looking at yours, and others' poetry and commenting always in a helpful, uplifting way. Did you see what I just messaged you here, about someone's objectionable post? It was already addressed by a director, Jessica. But as you can see, I am outspoken not only in my poetry, but wherever I see wrongs that should be righted.
Annette M Velasquez
Hello, MVP. I am reaching out to you as one Christian human being to another... I have already emailed power poetry on this matter. Today I saw a post from a " Charlie Barrett" that is not only offensive, but hate- mongering and racist. This should not be tolerated, I will wait. on power poetry's response and if there is inaction, follow my conscience. I see this every day living on the border, my parents survived it in WWII. As a Puerto Rican yourself, you should be concerned- we are trying to promote good will and harmony, and this individual is calling people " N" and fa-- it's! Not good!!!
Annette M Velasquez
I did, and a lady by the name of Jessica from the administration saw it, removed it, and corrected the issue. I think that with everything going on politically and socially, we, as artists/ poets have a wonderful opportunity to be vehicles of change- good will ambassadors and to promote God's love through our work. I do write about ugly, unpleasant things but not because I advocate it- only to educate. I did comment on your poem regarding your dream- that is exactly what I'm talking about- purpose! Everyone has a purpose, it is not random, it should be about serving God. But writers have an extra special edge- to reach others and inform, educate, speak up etc.