We Should ALWAYS Honour Trees
I often watch trees, because I actually like them
I may love them really, but regardless
I find them fascinating:
Standing upright like power poles
or bent over like blades of grass in wind
Their woody arms shoot every which way, sending out
long, thin fingers reaching upwards to the sky
and the moon; a moon that during the day hides behind a veil
of woolly white or black and grey
I can imagine the moon bearing a benevolent smile
as those tree-soldiers hold up their arms in a
rustling battle cry,
brandishing twigs as weapons
while the moon softly encourages the
woop! woop! of the trees and the clashing of twigs
because the moon loves company
and the trees are the closest thing she ever comes
to having friend or kin
If the day is quiet enough, or at night,
you can hear the trees sigh among themselves,
yawning like tired law-men on a boring stakeout
Sometimes they trade words and banter,
discussing how the water underground
is drying up,
how things are not how they used to be,
how their roots don't feel as solid
as they once did
or how their own family tree has weakened over the years
to the point where those still standing may fall
to be reduced to piles of dry, brittle bark
with curly, orangey-brown fingers
still attached to now useless weapons
being crunched underfoot
by ignorant people; people who
caused them to fall in the first place
We should ALWAYS honour trees