there was a time i really thought we were going to be together forever.
and the reasons that we aren't are bull shit.
but i never saw you out of my life completely.
never could imagine you ignoring me.
acting like i never mattered.
i know i only see you scarcely
but we aren't they way i thought we'd be
even after it's all been shattered
i have a different dream
where we are still friends
old time fun
less romance, same passion.
reality makes me scream.
doesn't look like we've made amends
so now everything is done
it's like i've gone out of fashion.
tossed away, jumbled, forgotten, like a slinky old dress that's slipped off the hanger and sits -collecting dust- on the floor of your closet for months and months waiting for your attention, waiting to be picked up, cared for, worn, and treated right. waiting for you to care.
luckily i'm not a dress. and i can pick myself off the floor. i even have my own collection of dresses. Small, tight, black dresses, that match my red high heels. The red high heels i wear out. Wearing my own slinky outfits looking better than i ever did when i was with you. Looking for someone new.
someone to replace you.
someone better
someone fresher
because doesn't seem there's anything between me and you.