New World
We came to this new world scared,
we came in the cold of night
lost, oppressed, and we left our handprints and footprints
on every soil and water way
from jungle to river bank
we fought for this land
has we rose to claim each inch of it
we never stopped without a care
like a scared kid in the dark
we shot our bullets has they shot back their arrows
in guerrilla warefare we fought
with no end to the slaughter
we got freedom while they got our diseases
we left a trail of blood behind us
we took without thinking what we were leaving behind
like a childish fool we spun out of controll
we said things we couldn't take back
we left the air thin
while we stood black and blue
not knowing why we fought
just knowing it's the price we pay for a little more freedom
confusing friend for enemy
shooting battle scars and running for safety
has they fire back their gernades
wishing this was just a game of cowboys and indians
because toys never hurt
because the words that trickle out are just words
no need to put fire to ashes
we can just walk away
instead of letting generations of history come and go
has we fight not asking why?
choosing to be blissfully unaware and scared of the truth
while we get freedom
they get bombs and fired shots