America the Brave
America the Brave
America the tarnished
Amerca the ignorant
America the lost
Fight for freedom?
Fight for equality?
Fight for Love?
Fight for justice and honesty and hope and....and....and...
You preach but do you really mean it?
Are you willing to fight for whats right?
Are we willing to fight for whats right?
Are you willing to get educated?
Will you talk about it on twitter but never show the support?
Looking for likes or looking for justice?
Once a place of freedom now a place of lost hopes and constant turmoil
Get back to where we were
"Get back to where we were" we say
Were we ever there?
The utopia we are wishing for...
Is it possible?
Is it worth it?
Are we too deep in the hole?
Come up for breath
We cant breath
America the brave?