Finally Set Free
In the dark, alone, scared.
Can't find anything, any where, no light.
"Where am I, Am I home."
As I speak the words real slow,
Frost fogs up an appearing window.
I look out it and see myself chained up.
"It's so dark, where I was chained. "
The lights around me turn on as soon as I say that.
The lights in the window do too.
It's not a window it's a mirror.
That’s me.
I look down at my feet and they're in chains.
I look at my hands and they're in chains.
My mouth is covered up.
What is happening, I think to myself
An angel in a beautiful gown shows up and holds a key.
"The devil locked you up and refused to set you free"
I feel a tear roll down my cheek but the angel approaches with the key.
"But Jesus sent me to set you free, You wrongs got you here. You followed the Devils way.
Go Believe and Follow In God's ways now."
The Angel pulls out a bible and hands it to me.
I stand up and slowly fall on my hands and knees.
A hand lifts my head up. Not the Angels
I stand up and Jesus was is right in front of me.
" I think you've learned and I'd like for you to follow me"
He takes me home, then disappears.
I begin to cry real hard.
I summarize what happened and whisper to myself.
"I'm Finally Set Free."