Applause , Awes, Even with Our Flaws
I am flawless because I am
One of God's beautiful creations
Not because I am man-made,
A photoshop modification
I am stubborn,
And sure, I may cry my eyes red
But I'm flawless because I'm here,
Instead of hiding in my bed
I walk tall and proud,
Though I may not be a beautiful swan
But I do it because I love myself,
And I don't need validation- I don't need anyone to fawn
My eyes aren't pools of water,
And my skin may not be porceilian white
My eyes are chocolate syrup swirled,
And my hair is dark as night
I'm no manic pixie dream girl,
I'm just an average girl-in an average case
But I will not condone being overlooked and ignored,
Being treated like I am only but a waste
Because I am worth living,
Taking life by it's mighty horns
For even the most gorgeous of roses,
Has its share of thorns
I may not be able to handle,
Immense amounts of heat
And I also may not have great skin,
Or picture perfect feet
But I am still human,
And I love myself so much
Because I can smell, hear, and see
Taste, experience, and touch
I am alive,
And that's flawless enough
After growing up in an age,
When avoiding death is tough
To be alive is to be flawless,
We all come in all sorts of shapes and sizes
No one is more special,
Or more deserving of golden prizes
I am me,
No one else will ever be the same
And while that is wonderful,
Its also such a shame
For we will never have another Einstein,
Another Gandi or Martin Luther King Jr.,
We will have those following in their footsteps,
Like minded-but just 'newer'
So I raise my glass to myself and to all,
And the ones who may have fallen
Let us praise ourselves for being unique,
Let us all define ourselves 'flawless'
I am flawless because I wake up each morning,
Reciting prayers and starting my day
I am flawless because I am choosing to live,
To live on another unpredictable day
Whether your eyes are pools of water,
or chocolate syrup in a bottle
Whether you walk gracious like a swan,
Or you can not help but waddle
And if your skin is porcelian white,
Or even olive like my own
We are all flawless and beautiful,
From the outside to the bone