Even the most honest person may be hiding part of his true self behind a curtain
That doesn’t make him a bad person that just makes him human
We all are hiding parts of who we are behind a curtain
I hide who I am behind a curtain
Only some friends see the true me
Around everyone else I’m a shy quite guy who don’t speak unless spoken too
But with my friends I know they accept me so I’m outgoing and talkative because I’m scared some people might reject me,but my true friends won’t
But why am I hiding behind the curtain of other people?
Why am I afraid?
Am scared to show people that part of me?
Or do I not feel comfortable with people I don’t know?
I guess I get shy and nervous around certain people and that stops me from showing my true self
One day my true self will be free to everyone
But until that day
Il be a shy guy