Go Beyond the Limits of Possible into the Impossible
being fearless does nOt mean i
am Bulletproof to all that horrifies
mE, instead it means i open mY
mind tO all possibilities that lie
before me, takiNg the risks that apply
being fearless Does not mean i do
noT have fears, i Have not one fewer
than thE average Person hOwever i view
each and every fear as a challenge allowing mySelf to
unravel, allowing myself to try Something new
Being fearLess does not mean i may
be a supErhero, I am an everyday
persoN, just with differenT values, i play
the cards as they cOme To me, and lay
tHem down in my own uniquE way
beIng fearless does Mean i fall
into the hands of fate, as i crawl
then grow into a confident Posture, standing tall,
acknOwledging my accompliShmentS, i may have started small
but i had to Begin some pLace aftEr all.