Ode to a Diamond
O diamond, how bright you shine
Through the blackness that crushes
Every glistening edge of your crystal form.
Your rarity glows parallel to the sun,
And sparkles like the stars
That twinkle with the success of our ancestors.
If one is fortunate enough to find
And grasp your silky surface
In the palm of their hand,
They’ll have everything they’ve ever hoped for.
O diamond, how hard a coal must be pressed
In order to ensure your perfection,
How hard the earth must work
To form such a wondrous thing.
Your beauty is comparable to your worth,
For every man dreams of you
And your illustrious impact
On a monetary scale.
Your rich skin provides
An aspiration for many to chase.
O diamond, how sumptuous you are
With your clear hues of success
That contrast with the darkness that is
The greed of man.
For you are such a precious gem
That is trapped in a sea of black
And must be forced out
The same way you were forced in.
O diamond what a gift you are,