I Am Writing, A Story
My imagining is free.
My emotions are more than yours.
I can force them into you.
I am able to present
my ideas
to the world.
my pencil
my pen
my fingers
pour forth words
straight from my imagination.
I fill pages
and pages
with letters that mold together
to squeeze and wring
emotions out of my readers.
I am powerful.
I can cause others pain or
raise them up to the
highest heights.
I can let them fall back to the ground,
flailing wildly without control,
or I can take their wings
and spread them gently
and help them practice,
giving them the strength to fly
off the chapter
titles and out
into the world,
allowing them to expand
farther than I could
ever imagine.
I am a writer.
I am an artist.
I stay up into the darkening
hours, letting my thoughts
flow out like a river, like
a waterfall crashing onto
the b l a n k p a p e r.
I push myself further towards
the breaking point of my mind.
My ideas are continuous, never stop
behind my eyes.
I am brave.