A Natural Art
With a word backstage
When the audience becomes silent
You could hear the sound of the safety pin
holding together your costume
Applause resounds and lights search
for the actor who will set
The entire play into constant motion
Combustible verbalizations catch fire stage right
stage left
We stand waiting
waiting to create
to express or inform
Truely, it makes no difference to us because
we are actors
We tend to seperate
whoever we once were
and become who we are meant to be
As demanded by the director
We are vehicles intending to portray
the human condition, as written on a page
Someone once questioned
"To be or not to be"
Actors are not given the great choice
for we must be
Picking apart skin from flesh
tearing at our souls
Searching for emotion in the void of a stage
tossing every tragedy we have ever read about
every sleepless night
every moment we were bullied or lied to or heartbroken
Like salad in our souls
We feel every bit of it run together
Tasting blood, we begin
Crafting stories and teaching others how to feel
Because we show them how
which is perhaps the most important job in the world
Empathy is the very core of the art
for we must show the masses
How to dance