For Jeremiah
If I could change one thing,
I would bring back Jeremiah.
If I could change one thing,
It would be the last thing I said.
If I could change one thing,
I would say "You are loved, never give up."
If I could change one thing,
It would be to watch him LIVE.
If I could change one thing,
I would bring Jeremiah back.
But the past cannot be changed.
As much as it aches and pains,
As much as I wish I could see his beautiful smile once more...
I am here right now,
And I CAN change the lives of children NOW
The lives of those who feel they are at an end,
That they have nothing left to live for.
I CAN change one thing,
And that is to tell someone that they are beautiful,
That they are loved.
That they have PURPOSE.
I can change one thing,
I can stop suicide.