The State of the Onion
I speak on behalf of the collective
The citizens of the state of confusion
The tortured “they” who tiptoe trip the tedium between
Greatness and graceless
Pandering to the panopticon
Fearing failure’s feathertip fancies forgetting
We wake; watching wistful wailing
Misty mornings amidst this millenium of mediocrity
We choose remonstration over demonstrations
Preparations over reparations
Constructing skyscrapers on sand and salt
Engineering empires atop edifices
Crammed with the corpses that didn’t fit into the skeleton closets
That garbled grin of gentrification.
All men are created eq- well - you know what we mean
Sorry, the fountainhead leaked all over my politics
I’m such a capitalist that my tears turn into pennies
And my sweat into silver dollars
Yesterday I walked into a flash mob but I knew the moves
It was a choreographed waltz into a pyramid scheme
Your cell awaits you, sir
They say l’enfer c’est des autres
Hell is other people
After a long day, who wouldn’t like some solitary confinement?
Small citizen, see the sideways schemes
Beat back the doublethink
Don’t bend over for Big Brother
Instead seal your lips with a rebellion
And kiss every stranger you see
And remember -
Trust only the trying trysts
Of midnight marches - into magnificence -