Rakish As They Are, They Still Solicit a "No"
Your name was actually
Teddy Graham
There were only four of us on that bus to school
And we were girls Teddy Boy, we were girls and I barely thought you knew
Miss Laurie was too cool for school
So she drove a bus
The morning ride we high kneed to the back and plastered our noses on the window glass
Simultaneously flipping off cars and ripping jokes like zippers
And occasionally, we would shut up. talk maturely to each other, or separate the pack
The sun shot up and we ran around the parking lot
Trying to hit the elusive volleyball one last time
Until we were loaded onto our Bus.
Shouts from the back responded by shouts from the front and I swear I could see Miss Laurie's eyes in the oval mirror that was a mile away.
We neared the hill that took us home and we sat our butts off the seats, on aisle
Three pairs of legs hugged someone else's as the unlucky one sat in the front.
Miss Laurie revved the engines and we screamed in long WOAHS
Ascending the hill, we could never quell our excitement to boil the impact point down
To a science,
But when it hit we bounced, flesh blood and bones, bounced off of each other
The metal skin of the bus, and the bubbly laugh of our bus driver.
When you turned to see the person who pressed against the low glass door window
You would see the terror and adrenaline in their eyes
They had the best spot to be thrown around.
Lucky, Teddy was so so lucky.
On this particular day my homebody body made me walk my friends home.
She went to her white paneled house
She went to her house atop stony stairs, but stopped when Teddy told us to "Hold up"
He showed us some tricks on his skateboard and she found it dull and went home
I alone interrogated him
"Why are you showing me this?". Sheepish
"I don't know because it's cool"
"Then i'm going home"
"Yup bye Teddy"
Then he saw me run away from him.
Because my cheeks were roughed and disasterously hot
I knew the sensation from watching gushing romantic cartoons late at night
And I indirectly ardored it while directly detesing it
So I scampered away from the rakish fellow
Who peeped under my skirt in third grade and impressed me now in sixth
Light like coffe over-sweetened with creamer and with the irresistable smell of a boy
I scampered off
He bullied me until he moved to Ohio.
Oh young love.