Shit You Can't Say To Your Teacher Scholarship Slam
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Teeth clenching
Anger simmering
I snap
I scream
I cannot hear myself think
Am I really that loud?
Why the fuck are you so loud?Why the fuck are you so loud?!!Its 8 in the fucking morningYou’re boring and you're loudNow what the fuck are you talking aboutI sat over here with an attitude long enough
Condescending eyes shallowed by the slow hands stabbing at dragging hours
stare intently at the dark scratches upon a once pure surface.
They tire not of passing judgement upon those "lesser" to them,
is it more important that I can quote Hamlet…
…than it is to teach me how to have friends
is it more important that I can determine a derivative…
…than it is to learn that means don’t justify the ends
It’s 1 am.
My mother walks up the stairs,
and asks me if I’m nearly there.
I say; “I finished my math,
but I still have so much to do”
She sighs.
So do I.
Times not on my side.