falling apart
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Oh the day I never thought id see
My little sister has turned on me
I used to be the one there for her
But now im just perishable
I am a weakling,
Frail and small,
Too scared to feel
Anything at all,
And I ask for help
Without my words
I'm falling apart inside can't you see it? I need you in my life like the air I am breathing but you don't believe it.I can't escape you even when you're not around, my mind is cursed. You're in everything.
She's always surounded by people,
but she's always lonely.
She never runs out of energy,
but she's always tired.
She's always trying her best,
but sometimes her best isn't enough.
I wake up.
Another day,
walking through the doors.
Watching the enemy,
as she comes at me with her posse.
Oh, how she grins gleefully,
what is happening cannot be spoken
time is out
running out, running out
dream richly to myself
it's the last few days
How much I would pay
to just see the day
where forever and ever existed.
Yet my mind is twisted
and I lay unassisted
because without you I'll always be.
No matter my plea
Pieces of me
Are broken.
I've fallen so far,
So hard and so quickly.
Crumbled into thousands
Of pieces
Unknowing if the
Kings horsemen can put
Me back together
We are broken,
And shattered
And crushed
And tattered
We close our eyes
and hope
for something better
But we must cope
We are laughing
and smiling
At 17, she thought she had the world Butterflies, tears of joy in her eyes She held on tight, no in between liesTime to let go, here comes the surprise
Your hands run through my hair
Your piercing eyes searching mine
For what, I do not know
Nor do I know what you will find.
Maybe you see the way I adore you
My thoughts always wandering back to you
I love you with everything I have, you make me smile.
You t ake
everything I a m.
You make me feel so in love, so beautiful.
Miles to, hundreds from
Where my hearts pulled
Where the sun drowns
Where the wind doesn't blow,
We sit in silent war.
The cry's cold cut on the brink of hysteria