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This poem, and all others with "Crown of Chaos" in the title, are part of a heroic crown of sonnets. A heroic crown is a collection of 14 sonnets, whose first lines all form a 15th sonnet, which is the sonnet below.
(This poem is part of a heroic crown of sonnets. For more information, see "Crown of Chaos, Crown Jewel")   A crown of sonnets: quite a daunting feat To even try would label me a fool.
(This poem is part of a heroic crown of sonnets. For more information, see "Crown of Chaos, Crown Jewel")    Perhaps I should give something else a try. If I gave up, no one would ever know.
(This poem is part of a heroic crown of sonnets. For more information, see "Crown of Chaos, Crown Jewel")    But I can't let this crown go incomplete So I must choose its contents rather quick
(This poem is part of a heroic crown of sonnets. For more information, see "Crown of Chaos, Crown Jewel")    I do not want to be that kind of guy Who never makes the point he wants to make
(This poem is part of a heroic crown of sonnets. For more information, see "Crown of Chaos, Crown Jewel")  Unless that guy is Batman; that'd be sweet. That did not start this sonnet very well.
(This poem is part of a heroic crown of sonnets. For more information, see "Crown of Chaos, Crown Jewel")    From my own pit I shall attempt to rise And make myself a wholly greater bloke
(This poem is part of a heroic crown of sonnets. For more information, see "Crown of Chaos, Crown Jewel")  I shall become a scholarly elite When I am coronated king of math And all will awe when I lay pen to sheet
(This poem is part of a heroic crown of sonnets. For more information, see "Crown of Chaos, Crown Jewel")   And if you disagree, then damn your eyes.  I'm sorry, that came out a little rude
(This poem is part of a heroic crown of sonnets. For more information, see "Crown of Chaos, Crown Jewel")   These Sonnets must continue, nonetheless  I cannot let my efforts be for naught
(This poem is part of a heroic crown of sonnets. For more information, see "Crown of Chaos, Crown Jewel")   Until I make the effort that's required I'll waste away my days upon the 'net
(This poem is part of a heroic crown of sonnets. For more information, see "Crown of Chaos, Crown Jewel")   At my potential I can only guess. But all my doubts have been expressed before.
(This poem is part of a heroic crown of sonnets. For more information, see "Crown of Chaos, Crown Jewel")   I hope to end these sonnets with a smile. To work some wonders with my wacky wit.
(This poem is part of a heroic crown of sonnets. For more information, see "Crown of Chaos, Crown Jewel")  If I must leave, I'd like to leave in style. The one that I have always written in A message from a major metaphile
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