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My body is a skyscraper
Yeah you heard me right
It’s 6 miles high and made of glass
To stand out in the night
My body is a skyscraper
With legs of stainless steel
Holding up my giant frame
I am carbon
a diamond in the rough
still dull with jagged edges
I've been through heat
and under lots of pressure
but I still don't shine
people look and stare in my direction
A carbon atom is small,
But it can make you trip and fall.
It has many things to do in life,
So it will do it while he flies.
Carbon forms a bond with oxygen,
And they become the eternal bossing gem.
They travel through the world,
A woman should be treated
As she is a queen,
Kiss and tell her you love her.
Tell her you’re the pretties’ thing,
Comfort her when she’s in her weakest links,
Put your arms around her,