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The Corporate Noose.
Yes, the Corporate Noose!
The ensemble of tightly stitched fabric which hangs from the front of the neck then hangs loose.
Most commonly worn in the workplace and one by every race.
You're a feind, and the substance always has the loudest voice.
Bound by addiction, leaving you with no choice.
Always calling for you ,with its charm so sweet.
You got comments with Emojis, likes and retweets.
I got hit up with some plans for the night.I told peeps that I'm down and he said alright.
"Better Mistakes"
Learn from your mistakes and teach a Prince to be a King.We got to teach the young ones to dream big as one's esteem.
Don't just listen to the "MUSIC"Pay attention to the message.Its the ignorant that has kept the intelligent arrested.
I, Myself, Who is guinuine to the highest degree is not always as confident as everybody sees.