my choice

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How can Men control our bodies When They refuse to wear a condom Or Even knows how a tampon works Instead of sticking them  Up your nose Why don't you educate yourself because
This is my portrait You can't tell me who to be All you can do is bring the paint I choose the theme You brought me into this world You can not take me out Im not the person you wanted
I don't wanna be what you want me to be. I'll be what I see as what's right for me. I understand everyone can't have their fantasies come true, But the right to choose what career someone wants isn't for you.
Dear God, This is a letter from your queer daughter. Wait, hold up did this girl just say queer? "You are not a child of God!" Someone shouts! Oh shut up! This is my letter. Anyway you know I grew up in church
You open your eyes and the world around you seems so beautiful A blue sky with white clouds above during the day A dark purple sky with glittering stars at night There is a force within you that you do not comprehend
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