You open your eyes and the world around you seems so beautiful
A blue sky with white clouds above during the day
A dark purple sky with glittering stars at night
There is a force within you that you do not comprehend
Emotions they call it
You live with someone to look up to
Whether it’s your parents, siblings, family, or an idol
You consider what you will be when you’re older
Dreaming of greatness that is expected of you
Going through elementary in a haste because everyone around you is so much older
You then begin to feel the definition of the word “pretty”
And makeup becomes a part of your everyday life
Eyeliner and blush surround your friends
And crushes eventually become relationships
But the naiveness of young love is squandered with hasty decisions
You get hurt, and it is merely a prequel to what is to come
Your classes get complicated
Your friends are distanced with their petty problems
Longing to be rebellious
And it seems like the end of your sheltered world
High school comes around
And your image of imperfection holds strong emotions within your chest
The desire for someone reaches out to you
A small razor blade imprints words onto your skin
And all of a sudden, they all worry about you
They are there for you, and you get up
Speaking when you should, keeping quiet when it is necessary
You are willing to manipulate and be manipulated so long as you can survive this hormonal confusion
And you think you find love, and they think they love you
There is nothing wrong with kissing
Nothing wrong with his hand wandering further
Nothing wrong with growing up
It is love, is it not?
And he speaks to your friends
Things that you have done
And somehow, you have a family member that knows of what you have done
And they care, they care too much
It is suddenly wrong
“Looked down upon by society”
“You are too young”
“Did he force you into it?”
“You have lost my trust”
“It is my fault”
“It is against the law”
And your image is shattered
Those who were told about it no longer see you as a perfect girl
How can you even face them?
You have to break up with him
It was not for him to tell
Not to them
Not that way
And again, they are suddenly there for you
Well not this time
I won’t allow it
This time, I won’t speak to you
Because you only ask me if I’m okay when you know an inkling of what I do
No, it was not wrong
Yes, I am young
Yes, I am naïve
But so are you
You in your sheltered world
Open up your eyes
I am not a child
See the world
I’m not saying that I was pressured into it by society
I did it on my own basis
Do not tread upon me with your beliefs
It was not wrong to me
I am young
I am me
It is my life
And it just added to my experience of this world